The Child’s Right to a Mother and Father – An attack on freedom
By Vicente R. Boceta

  • Every child has a right to a mother and father. In the structure of a homosexual «family», that right of the child is methodically and deliberately denied. This is a fundamental violation of the rights of a child and his/her freedom to choose.
  • A child growing up presuming that his or her parents are two women or two men is not correctly informed about its origins in both of the sexes. This will harm the child’s development or, at the least, disorient it.
  • Diversity is always a greater stimulus to development than equality. The last 40 years of research have consistently shown that mothers and fathers each make a distinct and indispensable contribution to the healthy development of the child. A child in a homosexual «family» is therefore at a disadvantage from the very beginning of his/her development.
  • A child has the best conditions for the development of a safe, congruent gender identity, if it can grow up in the rich environment provided by the divergent genders as provided by a mother and a father. In a homosexual «family» the benefits of proper development are deliberately withheld from the child.
  • If either the father or the mother are tragically lacking, such as in single parent homes, the child has the opportunity to mourn their loss and to deal with this loss constructively. If the child is taught, however, that a homosexual «family» is a complete, albeit alternative type of family, this setting prevents the child from mourning the loss of the real father or mother. The child will remain divided and this will have a destructive impact on the psychosocial development of the child.
  • There are significant differences between the lifestyles of homosexual and heterosexual couples. Statistically speaking, the promiscuity of gay men living together is much higher than in a normal father-mother relationship. This has a destructive effect on the bonding needs of children.
  • The vast majority of studies alleging an equality between heterosexual and homosexual parenthood, have been found to be seriously methodologically flawed. No far-reaching conclusions can be drawn from such flawed research, except for the fact that it only accentuates the strength of the LGBT Lobby in the United States and around the world.
  • For women living as lesbians, it is notable that the majority do not have and do not desire to have a man / men in any close relationship. This has a detrimental and inhibiting effect on male identity development in boys. For girls, the father is the most important measure of expectation in regards to male behavior. Studies show: Adolescent girls who have grown up without a father, have greater proximity and distance problems to peers and boys and more often become unintentionally pregnant.

 The LGTB Lobby
According to the LGTB lobby, a man and a woman have to be substituted by the generic term “person“. A person can be born a woman, then become a man then whatever they want to, since there are no limits as to what we are or who we feel we can be now or in the future. Children are raised without a true knowledge of gender. It is a drastic and dramatic change from an educational point of view.
How does a gay father or a lesbian mother educate their children: “You might appear to be a boy, dear son, but you can change your sex in the future and become a girl. Sex gender will never be an issue to you anymore. You are a person, regardless of your sex. Marriage or sex between men and women is archaic and old. You can be attracted to a woman tomorrow and a man the day after. Everything is fine and acceptable. Our beloved U.S. President, has imposed the much needed law of offering bathrooms for non-gender and extraterrestrial beings. May the Force thank him for such an innovative initiative! “
Let us not forget that LGTB lobbies in Europe and the US are promoting legalization of incest and sex between brothers and sisters. This is only natural from their perspective since gender is a universal concept and sex has no real meaning in itself. It does not define us and it does not limit us from interacting with other people. Sex is only a way to express our feelings of love and our desires for pleasure. Sex is not related at all to procreation or birth. Hence, sex can be accepted and allowed between members of the same family, whether adults or minors.
Many other initiatives are being sought by these lobbies with the only purpose of destroying the essence of our culture: the philosophical principles we have inherited from the Greek, the principles of modern Law brought to us by the Romans, the social and economic principles given to us by the rich Jewish-Christian tradition. The moment we question who we are, what we are and how are we going to live within our families and educate our children we are putting in jeopardy our millenary culture.
I would like to end this article paraphrasing Pope Francis I and adding a few words of my own.

Same-sex marriage and child adoption is a weakening of the institution of marriage and family – that has existed for thousands of years – and is forged according to nature and anthropology.



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